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It’s a #Law140-only episode this week, as T. Greg preps for a Wednesday trial. Join us as we talk about our beloved Papaya POTUS Donald Trump, and go over the reasons why he can’t be indicted by Robert Mueller while Trump’s still in office — including the Constitutional text, three of the Federalist papers, two OLC memos, and a handful of Supreme Court cases!
Our summary of criminal justice news will return later this week!
Join the conversation by following @fsckemall on Twitter, and tweet us your comments and questions using the hashtag #fsck!
*THANK YOU* to this week’s Show Note Sponsors (Trey Benfield, Melanie Greenan, Judi Kane, Colleen Mahaney, and Michael Teal) and our #Law140 Lovers (Damien Boyd, Matthew Boyer, Brian Gilbreath, Tyler Kiley, Byron Mobley, Andrew Murphy, Erica Phillips, Helen Poston, David Ross, Joe Sevits, and Michael VanOrder)!
Show Notes:
- The New York Attorney General has filed suit against the Trump Foundation (CNN)
- Our #Law140 on Canons of Construction (Patreon, Fsck #13)
- Our #Law140 on the President’s pardon powers (Patreon, Fsck #18)
- Our #Law140 on grand juries (Fsck #20)
- Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution (National Archives)
- Article II, Sections 2-3 of the Constitution (National Archives)
- Federalist No. 65 (Avalon Project)
- Federalist No. 69 (Avalon Project)
- Federalist No. 77 (Avalon Project)
- OLC Opinion on the indictability of the President, 1973 (Federation of American Scientists)
- OLC Opinion on the indictability of the President, 2000 (US DOJ)
- US v Nixon (Oyez)
- President Ford’s testimony in US v Fromme (YouTube)
- Nixon v Fitzgerald (Oyez)
- Clinton v Jones (Oyez)
- Morrison v Olsen (Oyez)
- Symposium Foreword: “Can We Indict a Sitting President?” (Georgetown Law)